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Utility Phone Number (to report outages)

AEP :  1-800-672-2231 Ohio Edison:  1-888-544-4877 North Central Electric Co-Op:  1-800-426-3072 Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative:  1-888-382-6732 Galion Line Department:  419-468-5520 Verizon:  1-800-483-1000 CenturyLink:  1-800-407-5411 Sycamore Telephone Company:  419-927-6012 Columbia Gas of Ohio:  1-800-282-0157
During  an emergency or disaster, utilities can be out. The following links are to assist you in checking current status or to report an outage. *Please Note that this office does not endorse any of the following websites. They are intended to supply you with additional information only. AEP Current outages To report an outage Ohio Edison Current outages To report an outage Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative Current outage Verizon To report an outage

Utility Phone Number (to report


AEP :  1-800-672-2231 Ohio Edison:  1-888-544-4877 North Central Electric Co-Op:  1-800-426-3072 Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative:  1-888-382-6732 Galion Line Department:  419-468-5520 Verizon:  1-800-483-1000 CenturyLink:  1-800-407-5411 Sycamore Telephone Company:  419-927-6012 Columbia Gas of Ohio:  1-800-282-0157
During  an emergency or disaster, utilities can be out. The following links are to assist you in checking current status or to report an outage. *Please Note that this office does not endorse any of the following websites. They are intended to supply you with additional information only. AEP Current outages To report an outage Ohio Edison Current outages To report an outage Mid Ohio Energy Cooperative Current outage Verizon To report an outage