Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
What is CERT?
The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people
about disaster preparedness for
hazards that may impact their area and
trains them in basic disaster response
skills, such as fire safety, light search
and rescue, team organization, and
disaster medical operations. Using the
training learned in the classroom and
during exercises, CERT members can
assist others in their neighborhood or
workplace following an event when
professional responders are not
immediately available to help. CERT
members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking
a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community.
What more can you tell me about CERT?
Following a major disaster, first responders who provide fire and medical services
will not be able to meet the demand for these services. Factors such as number of
victims, communication failures, and road blockages will prevent people from
accessing emergency services they have come to expect at a moment's notice
through 911. People will have to rely on each other for help in order to meet their
immediate life saving and life sustaining needs.
One also expects that under these kinds of conditions, family members, fellow
employees, and neighbors will spontaneously try to help each other. This was the
case following the Mexico City earthquake where untrained, spontaneous
volunteers saved 800 people. However, 100 people lost their lives while attempting
to save others. This is a high price to pay and is preventable through training.
If we can predict that emergency services will not meet immediate needs following
a major disaster, especially if there is no warning as in an earthquake, and people
will spontaneously volunteer, what can government do to prepare citizens for this
First, present citizens the facts about what to expect following a major disaster in
terms of immediate services. Second, give the message about their responsibility
for mitigation and preparedness. Third, train them in needed life saving skills with
emphasis on decision making skills, rescue safety, and doing the greatest good for
the greatest number. Fourth, organize teams so that they are an extension of first
responder services offering immediate help to victims until professional services
How did the CERT program get started?
The Community Emergency Response Team concept was developed and
implemented by the Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) in 1985. The Whittier
Narrows earthquake in 1987 underscored the area-wide threat of a major disaster
in California. Further, it confirmed the need for training civilians to meet their
immediate needs. As a result, the LAFD created the Disaster Preparedness
Division with the purpose of training citizens and private and government
The training program that LAFD initiated makes good sense and furthers the
process of citizens understanding their responsibility in preparing for disaster. It
also increases their ability to safely help themselves, their family and their
neighbors. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recognizes the
importance of preparing citizens. The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) and
the National Fire Academy adopted and expanded the CERT materials believing
them applicable to all hazards.
The CERT course will benefit any citizen who takes it. This individual will be better
prepared to respond to and cope with the aftermath of a disaster. Additionally, if a
community wants to supplement its response capability after a disaster, civilians
can be recruited and trained as neighborhood, business, and government teams
that, in essence, will be auxiliary responders. These groups can provide immediate
assistance to victims in their area, organize spontaneous volunteers who have not
had the training, and collect disaster intelligence that will assist professional
responders with prioritization and allocation of resources following a disaster. Since
1993 when this training was made available nationally by FEMA, communities in 28
States and Puerto Rico have conducted CERT training.
How is the course presented?
The CERT course is delivered in the community by a team of first
responders/certified trainers who have the requisite knowledge and skills to instruct
the sessions. It is suggested that the instructors complete a CERT Train-the-Trainer
(TTT) conducted by their State Training Office for Emergency Management or the
Emergency Management Institute in order to learn the training techniques that are
used successfully by the LAFD.
The CERT training for community groups is usually delivered in 2 1/2 hour
sessions, one evening a week over a 7 week period. The training consists of the
DISASTER PREPAREDNESS: Addresses hazards to which people are vulnerable
in their community. Materials cover actions that participants and their families take
before, during, and after a disaster. As the session progresses, the instructor begins
to explore an expanded role for civilians in that they will want to help their family
members and neighbors, this training can help them operate in a safe and
appropriate manner. The CERT concept and organization are discussed as well as
applicable laws governing volunteers in that jurisdiction.
DISASTER FIRE SUPPRESSION: Briefly covers fire chemistry, hazardous
materials, fire hazards, and fire suppression strategies. However, the thrust of this
session is the safe use of fire extinguishers, sizing up the situation, controlling
utilities, and extinguishing a small fire.
DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS PART I: Participants practice triage, treating
airway obstruction, bleeding, and shock by using simple triage methods and rapid
treatment techniques.
DISASTER MEDICAL OPERATIONS, PART II: Covers evaluating patients by doing
a head to toe assessment, establishing a medical treatment area, performing basic
first aid, and practicing in a safe and sanitary manner.
LIGHT SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATIONS: Participants learn about search
and rescue planning, size-up, search techniques, rescue techniques, and most
important, rescuer safety.
symptoms that might be experienced by the disaster victim and worker. It
addresses CERT organization and management principles and the need for
answers from a take home examination. Finally, they practice the skills that they
have learned during the previous six sessions in disaster activity.
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